Where we're heading next:

Home Sweet Home

Quote of the Day

Peanut, "Wow, mom, now we can say we've been to all 50 states! What are we gonna do next?"

27 May 2008

California - State #7

I've had a renewed interest in ghost towns since seeing the awesome flik 3:10 to Yuma. I've tried to get the kids interested but they since they've never seen any Westerns, they only focus on ghosts and miss the appeal of the Wild West. Still, Grandma and I thought the tourist trap near Barstow, CA, Calico Ghost Town, would be fun for them so we headed once again for Historic Route 66.

Two young Native American boys were selling beef jerky on the side of the road so I supported their cause with 3 bags for $20 plus a bag of dried apricots and a jar of wildflower honey. But where was the
Welcome to California sign? Another traveler told me California was too cheap and not interested in welcoming people to the Mojave Desert. Ha! Always watching to see when we'll actually drive over the "water" they see on the road up ahead, they have a clear understanding of optical illusions and what a desert mirage is. Woe to those who think they can cross the Mojave desert! And the kids love hearing stories about how the cops find these fools and just how shriveled up they are.

You know how sometimes everything seems fine but you know something isn't quite right? Well, that's what's going on with my left eye. It's watery and wants to shut which is making me very road weary. I talked to Grandma about it, and she's not overly excited about me crossing the Mojave desert with tired, watery eyes, so we decided to skip it and head into Nevada. The two bigger kids have already been to the Red Woods so I feel justified in saying we've been to California on this trip. Incidentally, I finally found a proper welcome sign, too!

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