Where we're heading next:

Home Sweet Home

Quote of the Day

Peanut, "Wow, mom, now we can say we've been to all 50 states! What are we gonna do next?"

22 April 2009

Dolphins & Churros

We've mostly avoided big amusement parks, but Peanut's pen pal in New York recently sent her a post card from SeaWorld and the talk of the town has been dolphins, dolphins, dolphins!

The heat and fatigue kind of did us in, but sure enough, feeding the dolphins made it all worthwhile! Sitting for the Beluga Whale Show cooled us off and gave us the chance to indulge in one more Texas treat -- churros!


  1. I loved feeding the dolphins at Sea World too - totally worth it! (Though I wasn't paying near enough attention to the birds and got my fingers nipped by a greedy seagull. I hoped you missed that experience.)
    So happy to have you a part of my daily routine again. Happy travels!

  2. never tasted a churros. I've found that I'm getting quite militant about tasting the specialty of the region or buying the signature handy craft of the town. Bryce was very patient as we marched the kids around Amsterdam so we could eat at a real Dutch Pancake House. Those things are important to me. . .
