I know this is a tourist town, but we are tourists after all and we could spend hours in these shops. Oh, how I could buy art here! And if Tomcat would agree, we'd redo our entire house from a little store called Whyevernot. In another store Peanut announced, "You know why I like this store so much? Because everything is so cheap!" If only...
We spent hours tooling around the town yesterday and of course we ate dinner at Mystic Pizza. What a blast from the past! The movie plays up on a big screen -- I bet you don't remember Matt Damon in it -- and it's 80's music non-stop. The pizza is actually decent, with proper kid portions for once.
So, can you tell, we've completely lost it. We're infatuated with Mystic and we never want to leave. I speak for all of us.
Grandma needs to tour the historic buildings, which incidentally are housed by people like you and me, so she has a slim chance of being able to do so! The seaside colors here appeal to Peanut as well as the abundance of nature. She wants to take an acrylics class like the one she barged in on in a local gallery the other night. Little Man wants to learn to sail (did you hear that Tomcat?) and play at the beach all day and night. I want to slow down, read again, paint again, have 4 seasons again. Somehow I'm dreamy enough to think it could happen here. Why is that? All day long I want to take pictures. The light is golden, different here and from what I'm told everyone who visits feels like this. We aren't unique at all!
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