I’ve lived in Albany twice. Once when I took off from Texas at 19 and began my quest to see all 50 states. Then Tomcat and I moved there after we got married and finished school at UAlbany. We lived just off Lark St. in a colorful and lively neighborhood, and worked downtown in a classy hotel where we made really dear friends. It was a special time full of hard work, no money and hope.
Usually, when you
return to a place, it’s never the same, but that isn’t so with Albany. I felt immediately at home in our old neighborhood. We stayed at the same hotel where I’d worked (strange!), and my closest remaining friend stopped by to visit us. He's been very ill this past year, and I'm so happy I got to see him looking so well. He also got to meet my Little Ducklings for the first time and see me as a mother. Weird. After I got the kids to bed, we went downstairs and he gave me the scoop on everyone we knew from the old days. It was a treasured visit to say the least.
A funny tradition with my friend: Every year I send him a Christmas card. The following year he sends it back to me, with the envelope completely turned inside out, and his own personal note written on the card. So, in 2008 I'll get the card I sent him in 2007, with his own note on it. Hilarious, right? I've always looked forward to receiving his/my card every year!
The following morning, after feasting on M.A.D. Irish Toast at Miss Albany Diner, I realized that time really can stand still. It’s such an incredibly different experience here in New York than the dynamic vibe out West. It’s slower here with more time and energy spent engaging people, and I certainly miss that.
Remember when I got pulled over in Montana because I was telling Niece a story about how I got my first job in N.Y.? (See N.D. Don'cha Know? post.) Well, that incredible restaurant, The Bagel Baron, went out of business a few years ago. An old guy named Sal who said he remembered me perfectly (nonsense!) said they stopped cleaning the place after I left and they were shut down by the Health Department! And The Daily Grind coffee shop that I worked at apparently still has the same wacky owners along with the best coffee in town.
I also drove them up New Scotland Ave. to romp around Thatcher Park with its incredible view. I told the kids a story about the time I stayed up all night dancing, and then went up the hill to watch the sunrise with some people I met. At dawn, in the meadow below, deer started to emerge from the forest and we watched them have breakfast. Peanut was mesmerized looking down at the meadow, but Little Man berated me, “Why did you go somewhere with strangers?” I’m glad I didn’t tell him the rest of the story...
Ha ha...good times! It is so fun to be old enough to have great memories.