Thank you, Grandma! Her Senior National Park Pass got us into Yellowstone for free and now we have 2.2 million acres at our fingertips! We're staying at Canyon Lodge in the center of the park. It's the only place in the park that had an available room and it turned out to be a pretty good spot for us. The Ranger handed each kid a yellow piece of paper with animals all over it so they could check them off as they see them. Fantastic!
Our first sighting was a big bison sitting up on a hill. Hoorahs all around! We’ve already learned that bison are not really buffalo, which are found in Asia. But early explorers named them buffalo because they reminded them of water buffalo.
Well, little did we know that 30 minutes later we’d be in for the bison show of our life! First we saw a herd by several small geysers and I let the kids get out for a picture. Just how far is a safe distance from a bison? Apparently it’s 25 yards. Then we were literally stuck on the road for over an hour while a herd of bison made their way across – at least 200 or 300 -- in every form of temperament. At one point there were 3 bison charging down the road directly toward our car. I jumped through the sunroof with my camera and tried to video them, but I had too much adrenalin and it came out blurry. You can see the pics though. They ran right toward us and then just beside our car and finally past us. (Grandma screamed the whole time, “Roll up the windows!!) Immediately after, we witnessed an Osprey swoop down into the river and catch a fish! No doubt about it, we are on safari!
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