I called Tomcat today and asked him to fly out for the weekend. He agreed to meet us in Kansas City, MO and drive with us to Omaha where he used to live as as little guy. So, now we're on the road again (still awaiting my day of rest) for the next 5 hours.
Remember the movie Far & Away? That’s definitely what Eastern Oklahoma and Kansas look like. I loved that movie even though it got poor reviews. What gorgeous country! Still no wheat though, just corn. I’m not sure that’s going to work with our plans. The kids are dying to pick some wheat to chew on.
Tee hee, we got to go to "Indian Territory" near Independence, KS and see where Laura Ingalls Wilder’s first memories came from. There was a replica one-room house and a well that Pa dug with his own hands. There were 2 women working there who knew what it meant to be Little House fans. Quite a change from Mansfield, MO. They said people who drive all the way out here are passionate about this story, and they get it. They'll stay open as long as visitors keep coming, no matter how late. We didn’t feel rushed and they were great with the kids, even letting them behind the rope to take pictures in the schoolhouse! A nice couple showed up, chatted with us, and they gave us some tips on Alabama, their home state.
There was such an air of genuine “life on the prairie” that I sincerely appreciated the attitude of the employees. The kids were running around the place until I had them stop for a minute, “Look, that sign says to look north and imagine covered wagons coming across the Prairie.” Peanut goes, “Okay, I did it.” Little Man goes, “Okay, I did it, too. Now look at this brain I found!” Sure enough he was holding a green brain-looking fruit. We learned it’s an Osage Orange, not for eating, but the Native Americans used it for their bows. Pioneers used it for fence posts. The roots are really orange so they were boiled to make orange and yellow dye. Modern 5 years olds find the fruits perfect for throwing and kicking around the prairie!
After this Little House experience we're determined to go to De Smet, SD and see the homestead. Just watch us change this itinerary again!
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