I’d booked this wagon ride and cookout months ago and I’m so glad we did. An old cowboy sat on a stump and sang and played guitar the entire evening. There was a pile of bones that Little Man stacked into a number of piles, his best being a fly-catcher of some sort. That was...until he found the creek. Other boys were damming it up or racing their paper cups. Not exciting enough for him.
As I was enjoying my steak, Doodle ran up in full delight, “Little Man is getting all soaking wet!” and she took off like lightning. Just as I was approaching I could see him, starting at one end of the creek and barreling through full speed splashing the entire way to the end in a big mud puddle. By the looks of him, this wasn’t his first tour of said creek. He was in his element and unfortunately I had to end his fun.
The event was surprisingly huge – there were about 10 wagons holding 20 or more people each. We met all kinds of people: an uptight family from Long Island that I liked immensely, a nice New Jersey dad with his boys, a family from Holland and another from Saudi Arabia. The most memorable family, however, was one from our neck of the woods. Except they really were from the woods and they had a lot to share with our wagon guide who was also from the woods. She was a kick in the pants with her chew sliding around her front teeth as she talked about such things as Poison Cliff up ahead (one drop and you’re dead).
She had useful things to say, too. Guess which critter causes the most casualties in the park? Timber Tigers. Apparently chipmunks aren’t as skilled at deciphering a carrot from a finger as one might think.
Someone mentioned seeing elk and she said she’s only interested in seeing elk outside the park – yup, this classy gal is a hunter, too. Enter Woods Mom from behind, “Yeah, I just learned how to skin a coyote! You start with the claw and pull the nails and skin back, then you...” Waiting for Peanut to say something didn’t pay off and finally I admitted, “Wow, I’ve NEVER felt more urban in my entire life.” I have to say I was truly enjoying this family; they were just from another planet.
that top shot is phenomenal. i swear i read the content too.