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Quote of the Day

Peanut, "Wow, mom, now we can say we've been to all 50 states! What are we gonna do next?"

02 August 2008

Chicago Art

Thanks Katy, for reminding me to get Garrett popcorn! We only had to wait 10 minutes for the store to open and walked out with a bag each, plus one for my Sis up in Wisconsin!

Grandma got a lightning
fast tour of our favorite Chicago art this morning. Looking at the black and white sculpture she said, "I just don't see why that's art." I said, "Well, they can't very well put a Renaissance painting out here on the sidewalk and this is fun to look at." She agreed, "Yes, it's fun and I like looking at it." My reply? "Well, then that's art! You don't actually have to know what it is; you just have to enjoy it."

I asked the kids what fascinated them most in Chicago -- not necessarily their favorite or most fun part -- but what was really cool to them.

Peanut was amazed by the Fire Escapes. It was a whole new concept to her that people would have to escape down a ladder that wasn't attached to the ground, keeping the bad people from climbing up the ladder!

Little Man was overcome by the "spinnings" and wanted to go around and around in every one we passed. I tried to limit him to 3 spins, but he'd usually sneak more in. Winters aren't part of their normal world either and he'd never seen a revolving door before!

Doodle liked all the fancy people in their fancy clothes. We saw several brides, but mostly we saw people dressed for work. She's used to me, and you can guess how I dress for my job every day!

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