Where we're heading next:

Home Sweet Home

Quote of the Day

Peanut, "Wow, mom, now we can say we've been to all 50 states! What are we gonna do next?"

08 May 2008


People are surprised and perplexed, but mostly excited for our family as we embark on this adventure to see all 50 states within a year. When they find out we intend to do the majority by car, without movies or other electronic distractions, they clearly think we're nuts. They also want to know why. Why do this now? It seems there's a litany of reasons why we should rethink this: Gas is so expensive right now. The kids will miss school. Doodle won't even remember the trip! And the best reason by far, "The kids will be miserable and you won't even like them by the end of it!"

We shall see.


  1. Wooohooo! I can't wait to read about your adventures! Bon Voyage!

  2. Can't wait to follow your journey! Your readers are trusting you to tell the good AND the bad! ; ) Or are they just challenges? Be safe. Love, Mimi and Ruben

  3. We wish you a wonderful trip.
    Joan and Harald miss you already.
    May the force be with you.

  4. Thanks for sending the link! I look forward to reading all about the adventure. Good on you!
